Does everything we do have to be tracked and measured?

You know, so much of our life is managed by how much we do and by counting exactly what we’re doing. Like, how many calories we eat. How much time we have to cook something in the microwave. How long a movie will last. How much work we have to get done. Hours to sleep. Time spent cleaning. Schedules to pick up and drop off kids. Schedules to get the car maintained.

It seems our days are an endless cycle of measurement. Even when it comes to writing! We spend every minute running from task to task, worrying what will happen if we don’t get it all done.

I set out every week with an idea of how much I’m going to write each day, and at what time. I also think about what time I’ll set aside to read and market. Not to mention everything else I’m responsible for, like my day job, and cooking, and making sure the house is kept in order and running efficiently. But what if — what if — we gave up those deadlines and goals and stressors for just a day?

Better yet, can you imagine giving up some of those stressors for your entire life? Imagine how much more wonderful and enjoyable it would be.

Imagine not having to spend your day looking at the clock. Or reading a book without thinking about when you have to put it down and go on to your next task. Or just sitting outside, watching the stars and enjoying a calm, peaceful night.

Imagine doing the things you enjoy just for the sake of enjoyment.

Sure, some deadlines are important. But are all of them important? I don’t think so. I think so many of them are self-imposed.

So here’s my thought for you (and me): pick something this week to enjoy just for the sake of enjoyment. And enjoy it, when you can, without a deadline. Enjoy it because you love it.

I bet when the week is out, you’ll be thinking about what you can enjoy during the next one.

And on that note, I’m signing off. I’m going to enjoy an evening without social media and my computer, and spend it with my family. And I’m going to do that every night for the next 7 days.

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About terriponce

I write about secrets, suspense, and soulmates.
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2 Responses to Does everything we do have to be tracked and measured?

  1. Penn says:

    Well, after 24 hours of no power to my home, I can’t give up electricity!!!


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